Friday, February 17, 2006

Justification for torture

The latest justification for the torture at abu ghraib is priceless. It appeared on the TES website:"any change is bound to have repercussions".

The news networks have finally dragged the photos of these "repercussions" into the public domain. The White House's only response is that publishing the photos will lead to violence. This is an interesting argument and could be used to stop any reporting of any event. Messrs Blair and Brown probably had their notebooks out at this point. IT is almost as good as "any change is bound to have repercussions."

It was unarmed Iraqi civilians who were bound and are they really the sort of repercussions you would like your child to suffer? Have you tried telling them they are much better off now? Difficult for some because your "repercussions" seem to be fatal.

And your sole argument: Saddam was a bastard. Yes we know that and he was a bastard when the Americans armed and supported him. Are you being a tad two-faced perhaps?



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